14 Nov How to make Dua: Tip #51
Times when Dua is answered: Dua before the end of Salaah
We are encouraged by the Prophet [May the Peace and Blessings be upon him] to make dua before the end of Salaah]
Ibn Mas’ud narrates: I was once praying, and the Prophet [May Peace and Blessings be upon him], Abu Bakr, and Umar (were all present). When I sat down (in the final tashahhud), I praised Allah, then sent salams on the Prophet [May Peace and Blessings be upon him], then started praying for myself. At this, the Prophet [May Peace and Blessings be upon him] said: “Ask, and you shall be given it! Ask, and you shall be given it!” [al-Tirmidhi #593]
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