03 Nov Sūrah Maryam [Mary]:(19:96).Part2
God Almighty says, following the verse under discussion:
“We make it (this Qur’ān) in your tongue easy (to recite and understand) so that you may thereby give glad tidings to the God-revering, pious ones, and warn thereby a people given to contention” (Maryam 19:97).
The verse mentions “a mysterious easiness” as a favor of God. When the matter is considered within the framework of the entire context of this verse, the Qur’ān actually refers to some work which is very difficult to perform: indeed, giving glad tidings on behalf of God’s cause is difficult, and so is warning against the possible consequences of misguidance. Conquering hearts is the hardest of all.
Moreover, if the conditions that affect the fulfillment of services are inappropriate and the numbers of the qualified persons are few, then it becomes extremely difficult to achieve any purpose. Indeed, to start mobilizing people and the means one has available is too difficult considering especially the fact that setting something stationary in motion or activating something passive requires great effort and energy.
For example, when an airplane is taking off, the sole aim is the take-off, and everything is concentrated on the action of take-off. Likewise, while a vehicle is being turned on, the lights, radio, and music players are turned off in order to conserve energy. But once the plane has taken off and the vehicle has been turned on, everything goes back to its normal condition, and they almost move by themselves. Similarly, serving God’s cause, regardless of how we approach it, comes with many difficulties in its initial steps. However, once things begin to go well, what we can call “a productive circle” appears.
We observe this process all over the world, concerning which the following verse can also be considered:
“Those who strive hard for Our sake, We will most certainly guide them to Our ways. Most assuredly, God is with those devoted to doing good, aware that God is seeing them” (‘Ankabūt 29:69).
Truly, the services done in God’s cause and the peoples or communities that have been honored with God’s nearness and company due to their service over the course of history have been facilitated by God. If we observe history from this perspective, we can see innumerable examples of this. The Prophet’s Companions, the Umayyads, the Abbasids, the Seljuks, the Ottomans, and today’s heroes of the second, promising awakening are only a few, most visible examples.
It is also possible to look at the issue from the following point of view.
Almighty God says in Sūratu’l-Layl:
“Then, as for him who gives (out of his wealth for God’s good pleasure), and keeps from disobedience to Him in reverence for Him and piety, and affirms the best (in creed, action, and the reward to be given), We will make easy for him the path to the state of ease (salvation after an easy reckoning)” (92:5–7).
According to these verses, giving for God’s sake, keeping from disobedience to God in reverence for Him and in piety (at-taqwā), and affirming all that is good in creed, word, and action—all of which are among good, righteous deeds—lead people to finding any responsibility easy.
Consider what the volunteers do all over the world! They work incessantly, emigrate from their homeland to foreign lands, frequently encounter financial shortcomings, and strive in improper conditions even without aiming at any spiritual pleasures, but they do all these lovingly and willingly and without deeming any of them difficult. All of the good, righteous deeds they do have become an inseparable part of their nature and lives. This means that God’s favor of making difficulties easy comes to them in this way.
May our souls be sacrificed for Him Who favors us so greatly!
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